The behaviour expectations and student behaviour policy followed in school also apply during remote learning, but with a few important amendments.
Parents are responsible for:
- Adhering to the policy at all times during periods of remote learning.
- Ensuring their child is available to learn remotely at the times set out and that the schoolwork set is completed on time and to the best of their child’s ability.
- Reporting any technical issues to the school as soon as possible.
- Ensuring that their child always has access to remote learning material during the times set out and is in a suitable living area within the home.
- Reporting any absence.
- Ensuring their child uses the equipment and technology used for remote learning as intended.
- Adhering to the Home/ School Agreement at all times.
- It is not the role of parents to judge or scrutinise lessons delivered remotely.
Pupils are responsible for:
- Adhering to these expectations at all times during periods of remote learning.
- Ensuring they are available to learn remotely at the times set out.
- Reporting any technical issues to their teacher as soon as possible.
- Ensuring they have access to remote learning material and notifying a responsible adult if they do not have access.
- Notifying a responsible adult if they are feeling unwell or are unable to complete the schoolwork they have been set.
- Ensuring they use any equipment and technology for remote learning as intended.
- Adhering to the Behaviour Policy at all times.
All students using video or audio communication must:
- Wear suitable clothing – this includes others in their household.
- Use appropriate language – this includes others in their household.
- Maintain the standard of behaviour expected in school.
- Use the necessary equipment and computer programs as intended.
- Not record, store, or distribute audio material.
- Mute their microphone unless asked to unmute by the teacher
- Pupils not using devices or software as intended will be disciplined in line with the Behaviour Policy.
All staff using video or audio communication must:
- Wear suitable clothing – this includes others in their household.
- Be situated in a suitable area within the home with an appropriate background.
- Use appropriate language – this includes others in their household. Chat messages / contributions to lessons must be in standard English.
- Always remain aware that they are visible if the camera is switched on.
The school will consider whether one-to-one sessions are appropriate in some circumstances, e.g. to provide support for pupils with SEND. This will be decided and approved by the SLT, in collaboration with the SENCO.