Our open evening will take place on Thursday 19 Sep between 4.15pm-7pm
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We are a popular, thriving school based in the heart of our community.

We were awarded most improved school in the country by the Department for Education, and Ofsted have congratulated our staff for being “determined and successful in improving teaching and students’ achievement”.

There are no secrets to an excellent education: it entails good teaching and learning, strong support and hard work. We pride ourselves on knowing and caring for all our students whilst having high expectations and ambitions for them all. 

We want the best for all our students, we want them to stretch themselves and reach further than they ever thought possible. Our students aspire and achieve in both their academic and personal development.

We are very proud of our students at Blackburn Central High School. They are smart, successful, polite, well behaved and keen to learn. Positive relationships between staff and students are key to our success as we know young people are inspired to learn from the people they trust and respect. 

Mrs Shanaz Hussain

Our Ethos and Values

We provide every student with a caring, inclusive, and safe learning environment to encourage a culture of academic excellence and outstanding achievement in all aspects of life. We encourage our students to become thriving members of our community, who demonstrate respect and tolerance for all, alongside fundamental British values.

We serve our community both on an individual level and in a broader sense; recognising the multi-cultural, multi-faith, cosmopolitan, diverse and ever-changing nature of society. We ensure that individuals and groups within the school community are not subjected to intimidation, radicalisation or illegal influence.

We encourage all of our students to fulfil their spiritual, moral, social and cultural potential during their journey through high school. We take advantage of any opportunity to develop links within our local community, and motivate our students to get involved by supporting local charities or by being active within their community. 

Our success comes from putting students at the heart of everything we do, and providing them with the best opportunities. We pride ourselves on the quality education we provide, and the development of young people who are safe, knowledgeable, respectful, and responsible members of British and
global society.