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Languages: Spanish & Urdu

People with language skills and knowledge stand out as talented and successful with broad and exciting horizons.

Studying Spanish or Urdu will give an extra dimension to our students. A language will put them in a strong position to get a job in a company with international links, to work abroad or to gain entry to university.

About the MFL Curriculum at BCHS


What do students study in Spanish or Urdu?

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

Topics Studied

Autumn, Spanish: Mi Vida (My life), Mi Tiempo Libre (My free time).

Spring, Spanish: Mi Insti (My school), Mi Familia y Mis Amigos (My family and friends). 

Summer, Spanish: Mi Ciudad (My town). Revision. End of year exam. Cultural awareness projects - Spanish: Christmas and Easter in Spain 


Autumn, Spanish: Mis Vacaciones(My holidays), Todo Sobre mi Vida (All about my life). 

Autumn, Urdu: Greeting, Alphabet, Writing script, Numbers 1-30, Pets and Colours, Months, dates & Birthday, Me, my family and friends 

Spring, Spanish: A Comer! (Food), ¿Qué Hacemos? (Free time).

Spring, Urdu: Food, My free time, School and future plans 

Summer, Spanish: Operación verano (Summer camps). Revision. End of year exam. Cultural awareness projects - Spanish: Halloween, Spanish food, bullfighting 

Summer, Urdu: My town and cultural awareness e.g. Eid, – Revision and End of year exam 


Autumn, Spanish: Me, my family and friends. Where I live.

Autumn, Urdu: Me, my family and friends. Where I live. My Holidays

Spring, Spanish: Free time. Spanish: Holidays. Urdu: School and future plans.

Spring, Urdu: Free time, School and future plans.

Summer, Spanish: Customs and festivals. Revision. End of year exam.

Summer, Urdu: Customs and festivals. Revision. End of year exam.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview

Topics Studied

Autumn, Spanish: Technology.

Autumn, Urdu: Me, My family and friends, technology.

Spring, Spanish: Social issues.

Spring, Urdu: Social issues, health, free time.

Summer, Spanish: School. Revision. End of year exams.

Summer, Urdu: School. Revision. End of year exams.


Autumn, Spanish: School and future plans.

Autumn, Urdu: Holidays and global issues.

Spring, Spanish: School and future plans. Global Issues.

Spring, Urdu: School and future plans.

Summer, Spanish: Exam preparation.

Summer, Urdu: Exam preparation.

Spanish Scheme of Work Overviews

In January, MFL will be transitioning to the NCELP schemes of work to support pupils who will sit the new examination in 2026.

A hybrid approach will support our cohorts, who will sit the existing examination. Schemes of work for Urdu will follow.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11